Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend In Review

Hi All! I survived Covington Days! This was my first time having my stuff at a craft fair and I learned a lot for next time. Below is how my booth was set up on Saturday. I moved a few things around on Sunday but not too much. My goal next time is to utilize the vertical space better. I'm signed up for another fair in September and have some work to prepare for it. Brad has a couple ideas on how to utilize the vertical space with items we already have at home which is great!

I have my Etsy shop back up; however, I haven't taken inventory of all my hairties so only a few of them are back up. My goal is to have them up by Tuesday.

Now I get ready for Blog Her! I fly out Tuesday night (technically Wednesday morning). I have a ton to get done in the next couple days but I can't wait for it to arrive. In addition to meeting tons of amazing bloggers I also get to hang out with one of my good friends who moved their last summer.

Since I'm going to be gone this week my posts and responses will be a bit light but I hope to come back invigorated and ready to take on the blogging world!

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