Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend Happenings

I love summer in Seattle. We are having a heat wave here, and I'm thrilled that it is supposed to actually be nice on the 4th (this doesn't happen often, generally it is overcast or drizzling). My goal is to have a all-out Red White & Blue party for the 4th this year. So far I've made a DIY wreath and bought a few decor items from Target. I still need to nail down the food details though.

Saturday I randomly woke up early (as in 6:45 early) and decided to head out to the Glassybaby Second's Sale. I got there about 8 and stood in line for about an hour and a half before getting into the sale. I managed to find quite a few items and have found homes for all of them throughout the house. They do this sale twice a year and people line up up to 12 hours before to be first in line. Next time I go I will aim to be in line by 7 to get an even better selection.

If you are looking at going to this event I have a couple tips:
  • Bring a basket to carry your Glassybaby's, they have boxes but they are somewhat awkward to carry and not bump other people
  • Don't bring a large purse, there are a lot of people and a lot of breakable items around so smaller purses work a lot better
  • Come with a couple friends - the line is more fun when you have friends along
  • Get there early! 
Here are some pictures of where I put my new Glassybaby's. I posted earlier this year where my other Glassybaby's are throughout the house. 


My 4th of July Tabletop - complete with Glassybaby's from the seconds sale

After the Glassybaby sale I headed to a CAbi Sample sale where I had some items reserved. I hope to show them on the blog if I can remember to actually take photos when I'm wearing it. I am definitely a fan of CAbi items and look forward to what the next season has in store.

Brad and I tend to be sporadic when it comes to home projects.  Saturday afternoon we randomly decided to paint the deck. We headed out to Home Depot and picked out a color of the Restore paint for the decking along with a paint sprayer for the rails. This probably wasn't the best weekend for this because its freaking hot outside! We had to keep going inside while painting just to cool off. The red was not my choice, it is what came with the house.

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  1. the deck looks fabulous! can't wait to re-do ours. happy monday, lady! xo

  2. I love that you got so many glassy babies!! I will hopefully be attending the next one!!

    Your deck looks fabulous. That is something that we are in the process of, stripping our deck then staining it and painting the rails white!


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  3. Your deck looks great- and will be perfect for grilling during your summer :)

  4. The looks awesome! Great job!

  5. Those little glassbabys are just too cute! And your deck looks absolutely fabulous!
