Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Visit to Chicago - The Days before BlogHer

My trip to BlogHer started late Tuesday night. I had a flight out of Seattle at 1AM Wednesday morning so I had to get there the night before. It so happened that my BFF Meg had a flight out an hour after mine and we were only 8 gates away from each other! This surprised both of us since I was off to Minneapolis and she was off to Taipei.We got a mini-hangout in before I had to board.

Meg & Kendra at SeaTac

I got into Chicago in the morning and started being a tourist that afternoon! I required a shower and lunch before functioning for the day. They live outside the city so we took the train in and had a great time catching up as we rode through the various suburbs.

My tourist experience began at Buckingham Fountain. It was quite impressive and I could see it might be quite enjoyable to be in the mist during the heat of summer.

Buckingham Fountain Chicago

We walked along Lake Michigan for a bit too. This lake is GINORMOUS! I kept calling it the ocean.

Lake Michigan Chicago

Of course we had to do The Bean. I felt as though I wouldn't be a proper tourist without seeing it. As we were leaving there was a group of teens who came up and did a flash mom of sort. They did a rhythmic dance as somebody video taped then casually walked away.

Lisa, Jerad & Kendra at The Bean Chicago

Lisa & Kendra at The Bean Chicago

The Bean Chicago reflecting the sky

As we were leaving the bean we saw all these pig statues. Each one was painted differently so Lisa and I enjoyed finding the best one to take a photo with. We also went up to the Signature Room Bar on the 96th floor of the Hancock Building but the photos didn't turn out well. 

Pig Statue Chicago

Thursday morning we got up and headed to the Lincoln Park Zoo!  We decided to be children and ride the Carousel.

Lincoln Park Zoo Carousel

One of the best animals to watch was this Cheetah, after it had lunch it went to this log and had a great time rubbing against it. 

Cheetah Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago

Cheetah Zoo Chicago

This Giraffe was also quite funny to watch. There was a border of logs around its enclosure and right on the other side were some quite delicious looking trees. This giraffe was determined to eat those leaves and used every muscle of its body to do so. We watched it for a few minutes before success of getting some leaves into its mouth.

Giraffe at Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago

Giraffe at Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago

Later this week I will dive into the actual BlogHer days. This trip went very fast and now I need a good nap.

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