Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Delicious Homemade Dairy Free Ice Cream

Last summer I was at Target (oh Joyful Target) and found an Ice Cream maker for half price! Summer came and went but I didn't get a chance to use it. This past weekend we pulled it out and made a couple different types of ice cream. A couple weeks ago I bought some root beer extract and can't wait to make root beer ice cream next! I'm going to try out different non-dairy milks to find the best one for ice cream.

The following recipes were made in a 4 Quart Ice Cream Maker

Cherry Sorbet

  • 8 cups cherries
  • 1 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • Blend cherries
  • Stir in the sugar
  • Chill covered for 1 hour
  • Freeze as directed by your ice cream maker
  • Pour into a freezer safe container and freeze until solid

Coconut Strawberry Ice Cream

  • 4 cans coconut milk - chilled
  •  3 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 2 pounds Strawberries - chopped
  • Blend the first three ingredients and place in the ice cream maker
  • Freeze as directed by your ice cream maker
  • In the last 10 minutes of the ice cream maker cycle add the chopped strawberries
  • Pour into a freezer safe container and freeze until solid

Renee and Kevin came over to try out the ice cream as well, they both decided that the Coconut Strawberry ice cream tasted like a Miami Vice drink (so maybe next time I'll have to add some rum to it). I bought some reusable 16 oz freezer containers to store all the ice cream I make this summer, it is going to probably be quite a bit since I still have a bunch of canned items from last summer.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?  Let me know what you think I should try next!
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1 comment:

  1. That Coconut Strawberry Ice Cream sounds amazing! I MUST make it soon! :) I actually just might make a smaller portion of this over the weekend. I have a few strawberries and a part of a can of coconut milk leftover from another recipe I made & I need to use it up. Thanks for sharing, Kendra! :)
