Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Crazy Chihuahua Shenanigans

Pip is definitely the mischief maker in this family. He stays in a cage while we are out because he doesn't behave properly if we leave him out. Over the past few weeks there have been a couple times where he greeted us at the door when we came home. We figured it was our own fault for not locking it properly until last week when he did it two days in a row. Brad went out a bought a camera that goes with our security system.We wanted to know if he was getting help from his fellow pet siblings or if he was smarter than we realized.

Here is what we found on the DVR:

The little stinker stated his escape the second Brad shut the front door and was out by the time Brad got to the end of the neighborhood. His cage now has an extra measure of security, if he gets through the carabiner then he is a true genius dog.

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  1. It is hilarious! What a smart boy! My Chi mix loves his crate so doesn't try to escape. But I fostered a dog once that not only escaped the crate, but I found him in the garage (lever door handle), and up on a shelf one day!

  2. LMAO, this reminds me of my puppy, we was rightfully named Houdini. The little munckin was a world class escape artist. Apparently the smaller they are, the more adept at escaping they are ;)
