Wednesday, July 10, 2013

4th of July Inspired Dairy Free Berry Trifle

For the 4th of July I was determined to have an all-out Red, White & Blue party. I scrounged around Pinterest and came up with a few ideas. One that I kept seeing was a berry trifle using berries, whipped cream and ladyfingers.

I wanted to make this because it looked delicious but Brad generally gets the shaft when I try making items like this because he can never eat them. Enter coconut milk (seriously becoming my best friend this summer). With the proper ratio of added sugar and vanilla the whipped cream tastes like normal whip cream, not like coconut.

Coconut Milk Whipped Cream

  • 2 cans Coconut Milk
  • 2 Tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 2 Tablespoons sugar (to taste)
  • Place the coconut milk in the refrigerator - best is overnight
  • Open up the cans and scoop out the waxy part of the can (Only one of my cans separated so I used one can of the waxy part and one can mixed together)
  • Place the coconut milk in a mixer and whip until soft peaks form
  • Slowly mix in the other ingredients

Dairy Free Berry Trifle

  • Coconut Whipped Cream
  • Ladyfingers (I used store bought but you could easily make your own)
  • Cherry Liqueur (optional)
  • Miscellaneous Red & Blue Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries etc)
  • Optional: Soak the ladyfingers in Cherry Liqueur
  • Alternate berries, ladyfingers and whipped cream 

Sorry for the cell phone photo, I quick took this photo to put on Facebook before putting it in the fridge and then forgot to take pictures before serving so this is what you all get to see :) This is now gone; however, I plan on making a few more this summer.

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