Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Torn Achilles - 1 Year Later

Today marks one year since I tore my Achilles. The summer went from training for the Disneyworld Princess Half Marathon to relying on others to do just about everything for me. For example, Renee had to come wash my hair on the deck because I couldn't get upstairs. About 3 months ago it clicked with me that my parents live on a 1 story house and I could have simply gone there.

Despite being pretty immobile I still managed to get a round on my little scooter. I also go good at telling Brad how to can various fruits.

I even went to the beach! You can read about our long beach adventure.  I learned that the scooter wheels were not meant for sand - especially sand that was super soft and I sunk like a brick.

My scar is beginning to fade but I still have a bit of scar tissue and quite a ways to go before I have all my strength back. I still have yet to wear heels again and longingly look at a few pairs of shoes in my closet anticipating when I can wear them again. I got really good at manuvering my little cart through aisles and crowds and learned a few things:
  • The little electric carts in stores are not fun to drive and are actually quite annoying to use
  • Most friends will surprise you by becoming your chauffeurs whenever you need (and sometimes let you cart take the front seat while 3 of us squish in the back) 
  • Some friends will surprise you by never offering to visit
  • When you haven't been able to shower in a long time you are willing to pay $35 to simply have your hair wash and blow-dried
  • Cats think you are up for playing if you are sleeping on the couch at 3 AM, therefore, squirt bottles are your friend
  • Twitter is actually pretty fun and interesting (prior to my injury I had tweeted about 3 times). 
Now it is time to get back into that training thing for the 2014 Princess Half Marathon (hoping that it isn't sold out yet).
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1 comment:

  1. ouch! a few years ago, i ripped up my ankle and ended up having a brostrum procedure done. same kind of recovery... hated that stupid cart thingy... LOL! I had the same issue... stuck UPSTAIRS tho... LOL! (That's where the bathroom was!) so i lived in our bedroom for a few weeks after my surgery... then i crab walked up and down the stairs after i got into an actual cast and returned (albeit painfully!) to work...

    i had my surgery in 2010 and STILL don't feel comfortable in anything with a heel. :(
