Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DIY Freezer Pops

Growing up I loved Otter Pops, they were a summer institution. A couple weeks ago I discovered Zipzicles which are small zipper bags to make your own freezer pops!  Zipzicles were developed in Bellevue, Washington by a parent with a allergy-stricken child. They can be bought online and some stores around the Seattle area.

One thing I love is that the website is full of recipes, but I still tried to develop my own.

Strawberry-Rhubarb Freezer Pop

Ingredients (makes 12):
  • 4 cups chopped rhubarb
  • 4 cups chopped strawberries
  • 2 Tablespoons honey (can be adjusted based on preference for sourness)
  • Blend all above ingredients in a blender
  • Pour into Zipzicle pouch and freeze

These bags can be recycled or re-used. I'm going to be recycling these rhubarb ones since they left a good amount of pulp and strings inside. If the mixture I made had been more smooth then they would be easy to clean out and reuse. I can't wait to try out more recipes and enjoy these all summer.

Want to see more recipes? Click here for more recipe posts!

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  1. wow these look great!!

    ♥ Ashley

    ps I love my little baby gift! so wonderful THANK YOU!!

  2. These are so nifty! Wonder if I can find them at a store around here? Now I am going to be on the look out for them. ;)

  3. this sounds great for a warm summer day...or night. definitely going to try this.

    Summer OASAP Giveaway! Come and join here. :)


  4. these look so yummy! where do you get your zip pouches?
