Saturday, June 15, 2013

Awesome iPad Mini Giveaway

Andie finished Nursing School!

Two long, hard years of not procrastinating; being put into extremely uncomfortable/scary/exciting situations; and constant sleep deprivation has finally paid off!

With that said, I am ready to party! And since my readers are not here to celebrate with me I thought I would celebrate 'blogger-style' with a giveaway.

Who knows what I have wanted for the past 2 years (but couldn't afford because I barely worked and accrued student loans during school AND unfortunately did not win the giveaways for them on other sites)? Let's do an NCLEX style question (For those who are unfamiliar with NCLEX, this is an exam nurses must take to begin practicing):

A nursing student named Andie has spent the past 2 years learning how to be a nurse. What priority item has she wanted to purchase and will now purchase first because she has accomplished her goal?
Please note that all answers may be correct. Please choose the answer that is most correct.
A. An iPad Mini
B. Shoes
C. Makeup
D. All of the Above

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: This question is asking  what she would purchase first and uses the terms priority and first which indicates that only one item should be selected. Given the title of this blog has the word 'iPad Mini' in it, should also indicate this is the priority item. All other items will be purchased later on.

Back to the giveaway! About 4 months ago I emailed some of my fellow bloggers and asked if they would like to help me celebrate, and boy were they excited and willing. I had 23 lovely ladies who decided to chip in and help me give an iPad mini away.

To add to their amazing-ness, they even agreed to make the entries SUPER simple! Everyone only provided 2-3 links, which were GFC/Bloglovin, Twitter, and Facebook. No instagram, pinterest, 'click on this site and favorite this'. Just plain and simple entries which = more chances to win in a shorter amount of time.

Here are those lovely, amazing ladies:

And here is where you can enter:
{Please read the Terms and Conditions}

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. Congratulations!!! That's awesome!! My daughter is studying to be a trama nurse. Nursing school is hard and you should be so proud of yourself!! Congratulations!!
