Friday, June 7, 2013

Adventures in The Big Apple - Days 3 & 4

Today is the final post about our trip to New York City. (Other posts can be found here and here).

The weather between Monday and Tuesday did a complete 180. Monday it was 80, sunny and muggy whereas Tuesday was about 55 and dumping rain. We were good Seattleites and didn't use an umbrella (or poncho like the other tourists). Brad said I cheated since I had a rain coat with a hood when he only had his North Face fleece.

One thing I purchased before we left was a groupon for a harbor tour. Currently both the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island are closed because of damage to their docks during Superstorm Sandy. The boat was able to take us pretty close to the statue and made sure to rotate the boat so that we could all take photos.

After the harbor cruise we wandered up Wall Street to see the bull statue. I determined that the line was too long and the weather too icky for us to stand in line for a photo and therefore a quick snapshot would be perfect.

We grabbed lunch on the way back to our hotel where we needed to dry off and warm up. We enjoyed another lovely wine hour and then decided to go back to Rockefeller Center and attempt to do Top of the Rock that evening. Unfortunately there was zero visibility so it will need to be done on another trip.

The nicer weather started returning Wednesday and we headed down to Chinatown to check it out. We wandered up and down the streets while women whispered brand names hoping that we would purchase a purse or sunglasses from them. There were also lots of little produce stands selling Lychee, cherries and giant starfruit.

Our hotel offered products from C.O. Bigelow and they were amazing! We saw the store while on the Double Decker bus but I didn't get a chance to go in, it will be a must-go stop on our next trip!

C.O. Bigelow

Even though we had a 7:30 flight, we had to leave the hotel at 3 to get to the hotel. We took the NYC Airporter from Grand Central Station to JFK, during this ride we got to experience the joys of New York Rush Hour and the madness of this giant airport. I had fun looking at all the planes and trying to figure out where the various airlines were from.

Brad and I agreed that this trip was a perfect long weekend and we will be back in a few years to hit the places that we missed!

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  1. Have you been to Dylan's Candy bar in NYC, amazing!! Haha.

  2. It looks like you all had a wonderful trip! :) I have only been to NYC once and it was just for a day on one of those overnight bus trips. I would love to go back and spend a few days some day.
