Monday, June 10, 2013

A Super Summer Swap

I love blogger swaps! They are so much fun to meet new bloggers and go shopping for somebody else. I love finding the perfect gifts for friends so this fits right into that. Last month, I signed up for The Sunny Summer Swap and got a chance to meet Neri from Sparkling With Sneakers. You will have to check out her blog for what I sent her but look below for my awesome package!

My box was awesome! I have yet to try the nail polish or lip pencil but they are going to be perfect for summer, especially with the current neon trend going on. The vanilla body spray is a light and fresh scent which is great for a mid-day picker upper. Right now I am loving turquoise and think it is genius to have salad tongs attached to each other! Summer picnics are hard enough to balance your plate without trying to dish the salad onto it. I've already used the pepper timer, it adds a pop of color and happiness to my kitchen counter. I have a slight obsession with Gushers so that was a perfect addition.

As you can see, Neri did a great job and getting "me" and finding the perfect summer box. 

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  1. What a great box of goodies you got! I love the little timer & want a fun one like that :) I should totally get myself one. I seriously want everything you got LOL- including the gushers. What a great swap partner you had! Thanks for joining us :)

  2. The vanilla sugar spray is one of my favorites! :) I need to get some salad tongs - love the color on the end. Thanks for joining in on our swap!
