Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Ramblings

Seattle was GORGEOUS this weekend. I didn't spend much time indoors and got a lot of  yard/garden work completed.  Brad and I are also thankful for our AC right now; if it wasn't for the AC our house would probably be about 90 degrees in our house.

Friday I participated in a 5k at work; I have a long way to go to do the Princess Half Marathon in February. Fortunately the weather was perfect for this run/walk and a lot of people turned out for it.

My CAbi order arrived this week and I've been enjoying wearing all the pieces. I wore this first outfit to work on Thursday and one of my coworkers joked that I looked like I was coming in for an interview. Most of what I wear is jeans, t-shirt and a sweatshirt/North Face so anything out of that is prime for teasing.  The necklace is from Theresa at un.tied where she is making items to raise money for her daughter's adoption.

Saturday Brad and I spent the day outside working on the garden. I bought some veggie starts from Carpinitos since the ones I did from seed didn't exactly flourish.  The dogs had a great time being outside all day and ran around the yard like crazy.  That evening we went out to dinner with Renee and Kevin to celebrate the sunny weather so I pulled out another fun CAbi top. This one has little birds on it and is called the Tweet Top.  I'm trying out the colored shorts fad this summer so I bought some at Old Navy earlier this spring. 

The sunset was stunning over the Olympics that night too. While looking through the photos I realized that we can see the SeaTac airport tower from our house.

Hope you guys all had good weekends too and that all of you in the mid-west are starting to thaw out.
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