Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Official Start of Summer?

Is Memorial Day weekend your official start to summer? Here in Seattle, we joke that Summer starts July 5th as Memorial Day and 4th of July are generally overcast and drizzly. We had a slight glimpse of summer a couple weeks ago but now we are back to the standard spring time drizzle. Just because the weather isn't ready for summer my brain is!

I was browsing Nordstrom and found a few items that would be PERFECT for this summer!

I have been wanting a bow belt for a while so I'm thinking this one might end up in my closet. I'm excited that more designers are embracing the Chevron trend and have seriously been drooling over the new Kate Spade collection. 

What do you think? What items are you looking forward to this summer?

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  1. Come to West Seattle! We had Summer for 3 straight weeks (Spring started back up yesterday, with rain). ;)
    I love that our weather lends itself to layering, throughout the year, and you could definitely do that with the outfit you found! Paint your nails chevron-style and work it!
