Thursday, May 16, 2013

Shameless TV Addiction

A couple years ago I decided that it was time to breakup with our cable company and just watch what we could get over the air. I thought that this would give us time to pick up new hobbies, but it turned out we just ended up watching Discovery all evening. As the time passed I discovered that there were a lot of shows that I really missed but even more I missed my DVR.

Brad gave me our DVR back for Christmas this past year. I actually figured it out a few days early and almost got caught watching it a couple times. My email address is tied to the account so when he was making changes I kept getting emails. I asked him about them and he told me that the little DTA boxes were misbehaving and to just ignore them - yeah right. I got home before him and instantly turned the TV to TLC (a channel we could only get if we had cable) and it came on instantly! I was working from home the week of Christmas and enjoyed being able to have cable on in the background. (I cannot work in silence and the TV options are quite limited mid-day without cable). 

I have an odd mix of TV shows that I love. 

NCIS - Seriously, Abby and McGee need to get back together. I dressed up as Abby a couple years ago for Halloween and made brad be McGee. I'm starting to think there is something between Tony and Ziva brewing now too.
Big Bang Theory - There are so many parts of this show I can relate to. Being an engineer I saw quite a few people who could be just like them during college.
Drop Dead Diva - I forget how I discovered this show; but it was definitely one I missed while cable-less. I have one season to catch up on before a new one starts in June.
Covert Affairs - Brad and I are currently going through last season before the next season starts in June. I have to admit that I was happy when Parker broke up with Auggie because he belongs with Annie.
Pretty Little Liars - Yes it is aimed at teenagers but I don't care because I love it! I read through book 8 or 9 and saw that there are more out but I haven't felt the need to read more
Burn Notice -Who doesn't love the odd family dynamic of this show?  We started watching this right before we cancelled cable then kept up with it on Netflix
Psych - I was so happy when Shawn and Juliet finally got together. While we didn't have cable we also watched this on Netflix.
CSI:Miami - Yes this was known as the worst of the CSI franchise; however, I loved it and was sad to find out that it was cancelled.

There are a bunch more shows that I record every week; however, I didn't want this list to be too long. :)

What are your favorite shows?

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  1. I'm totally addicted to Pretty Little Liars and Burn Notice. I'm also a huge fan of Grey's Anatomy, Scandal (best show ever!) Dr. Who (see previous parenthesis) and Big Bang Theory.

    Some of my fav older shows were Veronica Mars (they're making a movie!), Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Tourchwood, the list goes on.

    I use to be all about CSI Miami, but there were only so many one liners I could take from Horatio. I didn't even know it had gotten canceled.

  2. I'd die without my DVR, I know that sounds silly, but my husband doesn't like the same shows as me, and we usually don't watch shows when they're on since his work schedule is so crazy and we go to bed early. But I LOVE NCIS and Big Bang!! I also love watching reruns of Veronica Mars (super stoked about the movie, I backed it lol) and we watch Community, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Mike & Molly, The Soup, and some others.

  3. Haha we are watching The Big Bang Theory right now. :)

  4. I'm a terrible TV addict although I don't actually have cable, or even a TV! I guiltlessly watch on Hulu: Grey's Anatomy, New Girl, the Mindy Project, Pretty Little Liars, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills & Orange County, Smash... the list continues as seasons change. Most of the time I just have them on in the background while I browse blogs and get some work in.
    ♥alycia -

  5. I love the Big Bang Theory, and I always say my husband is like somewhere in between then all! :D I love NCIS too! :D
