Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DIY Decorative Mugs

My mom loves Big Bang Theory and I knew that the perfect Mother's Day gift would focus around that. I did some searching on Etsy as well as the CBS store but couldn't decide what I wanted. Eventually I decided to make my own mugs with Sheldon Quotes!

The supplies for this are simple, I ordered white mugs and ceramic paint pens off Amazon and that was all I needed! One of the great things about these pens is that if you make a mistake you can still fix them before they dry.

To make the mugs dishwasher safe, simply bake at 300 degrees for 35 minutes. I put them on a cookie sheet but this probably wasn't necessary. The pens said to wait 24 hours before baking; I kept putting it off and finally baked them about a week and a half after I first wrote on them.

Here are the final mugs. I gave them to my mom on Sunday and she loved them!

I hope you had a good Mother's Day!

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  1. Omg!!! These are sooo amazing! Great job.

  2. Oh, this is so easy even I think I could pull this one off, lol. ;) Thanks for sharing, Kendra!

  3. I love the I'm not Crazy one! So cute!! You should have made her one that said Bazinga! :) I just love The Big Bang Theory!
