Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This Year's Garden - Or Lack Thereof

The weather has been teasing us quite a bit here in Seattle. We had a gorgeous Easter Weekend but the weekends since then have been pretty much rain. The raised garden beds we have need a bunch of new dirt added and it is no fun to move dirt in the rain so it still is on the "to do" list. I went a little overboard and bought a bunch of plants at Carpinitos and Home Depot earlier this spring that still need to get put in the ground.

The seeds I planted back in March are doing OK; however, I probably didn't baby them enough (aka I forgot to water them for a couple weeks and then put them outside and they might have drowned).

One thing I am happy with is my little deck herb garden. I bought this planter last year and think that it is perfect for some herbs just outside the kitchen. So far I have 4 different types of mint, parsley and basil. I also have a few garden gnomes watching over my herbs to make sure they grow up nice and healthy.

The strawberries are starting to bloom but I'm hoping we get some nice weekends here soon so I can get some more plants in the ground. I'm looking forward to lots of veggies for salads this summer.

As much as I long for this sunshine, I can't complain too much considering the reports from around the country of snow! Do you have your garden planted yet or are you still buried under snow?

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  1. The weather sure has been bipolar. We have our huge garden all rotatilled(spelling?) and haven't gotten a chance to do much planting. :(

  2. I have the same deck planter for my herbs! :)

  3. Your herb garden looks great! :)
