Friday, April 19, 2013

The Bradley's - Sponsor Guest Post

Today Elizabeth from The Bradley's is sharing with you an overview of her life living abroad. She moved with her husband and daughter earlier this month to Phuket from Scotland (talk about a difference!). Check out the photos and details of her life below!

Hello everyone! I'm so grateful to be able to blog over at Kendra cyber home! We are The Bradleys, a family of three that hopes to expand to four in the near future. :) I am somewhat bad at domestic life, in the sense that I am terrible at DIY, can't clean if my life depended on it, and I spend a lot of time thinking about random topics...instead of homemaking. I'm trying to change that slowly but surely and perhaps one day I will attempt to craft some of the things I Pin.

We just moved into a new home on the island of Phuket. Although it's spacious, it hasn't been lived in for what seems like years so we are going room to room dusting and cleaning out the many cabinets this house mysteriously holds. They are actually built into it, and create fun hiding places for our cats. And for my daughter to hide my lipstick and what remaining jewelry I have ( she has broken or lost most of my jewelry ha!).

We went from living in a cold climate ( Scotland) back to a tropical heat that is broken up throughout the day by bouts of hard rain. What a contrast! Nonetheless, despite the heat and the dusty house my husband and daughter are ecstatic that we moved ( I miss Scotland...come on its Scotland). Our adventures began when we moved to the UK about 4 months ago, only to discover that my American husband had to apply for the spousal visa outside of the UK...when we had been told by immigration people that he could do it within the country. So there we were on a strict time schedule, and eventually decided to come back to Phuket, where we have been living for 2 years. My husband has taught English as a second language for around 9 years which has brought us on some lovely adventures.

We're in limbo at the moment, still determining where we will be based and if we want to move back to the UK. Either way, it's a fun adventure and I love writing about it on our blog!

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