Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend

I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter weekend. Seattle had GORGEOUS weather all weekend and I loved taking advantage of it. Apparently this is only the 16th time that Seattle reached 70 degrees in March since 1945 when the official weather tracking moved to Sea-Tac Airport. Saturday  I spent some time at the mall and felt slightly guilty for being inside during the sunshine.

I definitely took advantage of the summer-like Easter and used all sorts of bright colors in my outfit. 

Easter Outfit: Dress (Old Navy), Belt (Target), Cardigan (Ann Taylor Loft), Necklace (Sassy Steals), Sandals (Sam Edelman - Nordstrom)

I also took the warm weather as an excuse to get some bright nail polish colors. The toe polish looked like neon pink in the bottle but looks really orange on me. I thought I was getting a color similar to what is on my fingers.

Between church and heading to my Aunt Evelyn's house we went home to let the dogs outside. Brad enjoyed the sunshine too. I tried to get photos of the dogs; however, they didn't want to stay still long enough to get a good photo.

The cats really wished we would let them outside.

We have a view of the Olympics from our house. They were so pretty in the sunshine and sunset!

My aunt had three new kittens at her house. There is a feral cat that keeps having kittens in her neighborhood. She takes the kittens to my uncle (a vet) for him to "fix" them and then adopts them out. She keeps trying to catch mom and dad cat to have them fixed but hasn't been successful. These kittens are about 5-6 weeks old. Excuse the cell phone photos.

The kittens had teeny-tiny claws that were like little needles digging into my skin. After lunch they went outside to explore with their mommy (they weren't a fan of my parent's dog who was there).

How was everybody's weekend? What sort of things did you do?

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  1. We had great weather here the 60s and mostly sunny. Especially amazing since on Palm Sunday we had a freak snowstorm and got 9 1/2 inches of snow in 24 hours. My sister lives about an hour and 15 min northeast of me - their house had 17 inches. Crazy weather......

    I really like the dress - I've never really gotten into shopping at Old Navy - maybe I should give it another go? Have a great week! (cute kittens! our Easter babies were chicks - my brother-in-law lives in the country, and just bought a whole new batch of chicks.....)

  2. Oh my goodness that necklace is incredible!!! And I'm loving all the happy colors! I'm thinking a little shopping is in order :) Glad your weekend was so sunny and sweet! Here is what we were up to!

  3. That's so awesome that your aunt gets the kittens adopted. Hopefully she'll be able to catch the mom and dad cat soon.

    Love the color of your dress and those fun nails! :)

  4. I love your outfit, it's perfect! :)

  5. That outfit is so cute!! The weather was so amazing; loved every second of it. I actually wished the kids weren't such wusses, I wanted to slip and slide:)

  6. Wasn't the weather fantastic?! I spent Saturday planting the entire garden, but Sunday we *tried* to go to the mall (Southcenter)...and didn't realize until we arrived that everything would be closed. So we went for a drive around West Seattle instead. But looks like the great weather is continuing, amazingly. :D
    Here's to more excuse for colorful outfits and cute sundresses!
