Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Recipe Wednesday - Morningstar Farms Review

This week's Recipe Wednesday is a little different as it is more of a food review. This week has been crazy and most meals have been done spur of the moment depending what is thawed and can be made quickly. I'm a member of bzzagent where they send me offers to try out new products and tell others about them. One of the items that I recently tried are Morningstar Farm Veggie Burgers. I used the burger as if it was a normal meat patty and created a "cheeseburger" out of it.

Below are my and my husband's cheeseburgers. I used my homemade pickles along with cheese and some onion buns. I used the Garden Veggie Patties which contain mushrooms, water chestnuts, onions, carrots, green & red peppers, black olives, brown rice and rolled oats. Each patty is 100 calories and also has 3 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein!

Overall, they were quite good. I asked Brad what he thought and he said that the burgers weren't bad but he would have preferred a normal bun. Eating it I knew that it was a veggie patty; however, I enjoyed it as if it were a normal meat patty because they were both juicy and delicious. I would definitely purchase these again, maybe next time I will cook them on the grill instead of the microwave.

Disclaimer: I received the product free, all opinions are my own.
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1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of them, but I love veggie burgers so I'll have to try them out.
