Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Losing Side of a Cold

It all started Saturday morning, I woke up with a sore throat and my nose was slightly stuffy.  I knew that this was the start of a cold and that I was going to be on the losing side for a while. Sunday night I was determined to come up with a way to feel better and decided to make my own version of the Vick's shower disks. They are really easy and take about 10 minutes to put together.

I used roughly 2 cups of baking soda which made 9 disks.  Costco sells 10 pound bags of baking soda which is great for making homemade items like DIY dishwasher detergent and fabric softener.

With the baking soda in a mixing bowl, slowly add water until it becomes a thick paste. I used about 3/4 cup of water.  I also added 30 drops of Eucalyptus oil, 20 drops of Lavender oil and 15 drops of Peppermint oil.

I let them sit overnight then used one the next day in my shower. It was nice to help clear out my nose for at least a little bit.

I hope that this is the last of my nose issues for the season, within 12 hours the sin around my nose was starting to get raw and sore.

What do you use to help relieve colds and sinus infections during the winter?

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  1. I hope you feel better!!! I try my hardest to not take anything when I'm sick. If I absolutely have to it's always alka seltzer cold medicine.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I caught a cold yesterday and have been dying, haha. Totally going to make these!

  3. Awesome, I have a friend who did these, I need to for the house! Thanks for sharing!
