Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sponsor Feature - Today with the Tennerys

Today I wanted to introduce you to one of my Large Sponsors for the past month.  Tricia blogs over at Today with the Tennerys.  She loves taking pictures and it shows as they are all over on her blog; the love she has for her family is evident through all these photos.  Tricia has an amazing outlook on life and describes herself as:
I'm a sweet tea drinking, flip flop wearing mom from Alabama. Being a mom is not all perfume and roses, it has it's challenges. I'm a stay at home mom, I get no "off days", no "sick days", and NO "paid vacation." But I am paid with laughter and hugs and kisses. It's the best job I'll ever have.

Make sure you check out Tricia's blog and follow along with her adventures on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram!

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