Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sponsor Feature - KTJ Weighting In

Have you met Katie from KTJ Weighing In?  She is an amazing lady on a journey to find a healthier life through losing over 100 pounds! I have been reading through her blog and am super impressed with her progress.

Katie started blogging in order to connect with fellow bloggers who are on similar weight loss journeys and also uses it to document and keep herself accountable for her own weight loss. She posts her weekly weight loss and also her thoughts on it.  Her method of losing weight has been steady and I definitely see her reaching her goal.

Are you on your own weight loss journey and would like some support?  Join Katie's Facebook group here.

Katie has a link-up every Thursday to celebrate non-scale victories.  This is a great idea because it shows that the scale is just a number and the journey is creating a healthier lifestyle.  If you would like to check out this link-up, it can be found here.

Today is extra special over at Katie's blog, she is having a giveaway for the book "This Is Why You Are Fat" and you can enter it here!

You can also follow Katie through Twitter and Pinterest.

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