Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Re-Using Candles for Storage Containers

I am terrified of fire but I love the Bath & Body Works Candles.  These candles are in great glass jars that can easily be converted into little storage jars.  I have done this to both the 3-wick and single wick size.

Here is how to turn these candles into a storage container.

When the candle is empty, or when the wicks no longer stay lit, put the candle into the freezer overnight.  Remove the candle from the freezer and chip away the wax.  It generally comes out pretty easily, I like using a flat head screwdriver to pull it out.  Sometimes the wick gets stuck to the bottom, but pliers easily pull it off.  The label on the front simply peels off.  Once all the wax and label is removed, put in the dishwasher and it will come out sparkly clean.  If the label on the bottom has some residue, vinegar and a dish scrubber will easily remove the residue.

I use these jars all over my house.  They work especially well in the bathroom to contain items like q-tips, my makeup remover pads and items from my birchbox & my glam bags.

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  1. I love doing this!! I use old candles to hold q-tips and cotton balls. Best idea ever haha. :)

  2. I do this all the time and use them for everything! I even started glittering them which is fun. Just modpodge and glitter!

    I get the wax out by boiling them but I think the freezer sounds easier - and less dangerous!

    xo, jill
    Classy with a Kick

  3. Great idea!!!

    Julie @ Naptime Review

  4. Cute idea! I"ve always tossed mind...shame on me :) Not anymore! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wonderful idea! I would have never thought of this!
