Friday, January 25, 2013

Lots of Love Blogger Swap

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to spread love to fellow bloggers, plus who doesn't love getting mail?  Brittany from The Sapphire Bee and Kendra from Adventures of Brad & Kendra have put together the Lots of Love Blogger Swap for all of you!  Once you sign up, please grab our button above and share it on your site and use #lolblogswap for Twitter promotions.

Signups are open now and will close on February 1.  On the 3rd, we will mail out your partner info.  Take the next few days to "stalk" this person through their blog, Pinterest page, Twitter etc and pick out the perfect gift for them.

The present budget is ~$10 and also include a cute card. If you have a shop or want to give a homemade item, this is fine as long as your item fits your partner's personality and the budget.

This swap is open worldwide, we will honor your request to not send internationally.

Are you in?  Fill out the form below!


  1. Great idea! I'll add this to our link party directory ("seasonal" page) to help you promote it.


  2. This is a cute idea! I wish I had the ability to do it! If you happen to do it next year, can you hit me up?
