Monday, January 14, 2013

January - Blogoversary & Birthday Giveaway

January is a special month.  January 2nd marked 1 year since I began this blog and on the 24th is my birthday!  I wanted to celebrate and thank all of you wonderful people who read my blog and have helped me grow it to what it is today.

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who donated to this giveaway.  The prize pack below is worth over $100!

Kendra from Adventures of Brad & Kendra: 3 Months Large Ad Space, $20 shop credit, $10 Starbucks Gift Card


Brittany from The Sapphire Bee: 1 Month Large Ad space, $5 credit to her shop and this cute bow ring (color may vary)

Andrea from Mostly Happenstance: 2 Months of 250x250 Ad Space

Helen from Eat. Enjoy. Live: 1 Month of Medium Ad Space

Rebekah from All That Glitters: $10 Starbucks Card

Pamela from Pamela's Heavenly Treats: 1 Month of Grade Cupcake Space which includes Guest Post and/or Individual Giveaway

Genna from Freed At Last: 1 Month of 200x200 Ad Space

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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