Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adventures in Deep Frying

You never quite know what is going to happen when Kevin and Renee come over on a Friday night. Last Friday, they were over just hanging out when we all decided the sweet potato fries sounded really good. We pulled out the deep fryer and sliced up our giant (3+ lb) potato. After the fries were gone, the boys decided that they wanted to try deep frying other items. 

Cue cupcakes sitting on my counter.

The boys enjoyed the cupcakes, saying that the outside got a nice crunch to them.  They both agreed that the frosting should be applied after the deep frying; but the cupcakes were originally made to be enjoyed simply as cupcakes so they can't complain too much.

After the cupcakes, we started wondering what else could be fried.  Lesson learned: York peppermint patties and Girl Scout Thin Mints do not deep fry well because all the chocolate just melts away and turns the oil into chocolate oil.

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  1. Sweet potato fries are my fav! Friend cupcakes???? Ummmm I don't think I'm brave enough! Lol

  2. Fried cupcakes?!?!? Oh yes please!!!!

  3. DROOL.
    That is epic. I definitely want one now. LOL

    Stopping by late from 3Jan GYB Blog Hop.

  4. OK I would have never thought to fry cupcakes, but hey why not I will try this oneday! Thanks for sharing!
