Thursday, December 27, 2012

Secret Santa Swaps

I took part of two different Secret Santa Swaps this holiday season.  I love doing swaps for multiple reasons; it is a great way to meet fellow bloggers and plus who doesn't love getting packages in the mailbox!

I was a bad blogger and forgot to take pictures of the items that I sent so my descriptions will have to do. 

I sent Emily a White Vase that was a sweater pattern going around the outside. She mentioned shabby-chic items in her wish list so I'm hoping that the vase fell into that category. 

Emily sent me a cute checkbook holder from The Pleated Poppy.  I love the brown polka-dot fabric that is used on the inside.  I probably am going to use it to keep receipts in my purse so that they have a home instead of just thrown into my purse.

Allie received an Grey Infinity Scarf.  I loved the slight sparkle that it had and felt like the chunky-ness of it worked well with her bohemian style.

I'm not 100% sure who sent me this necklace (the card said from my "secret santa") so I have to wait for the link-up to find out who it was!  I've already worn the necklace a few times since getting it in the mail and definitely will be wearing it often.

To check out some of the other swap items; visit Anna at Geek Can Be Chic and Katlyn at The Dreamy Meadow
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  1. Thanks for linking up your swap items! :)

  2. Wow, that necklace is really pretty! :) Thank you so much for participating in our swap Kendra! xo

