Sunday, December 9, 2012

Preview of Vacation

Sorry I've been a bit missing the past bit from blogland.  I've been catching up on life and trying to get ready for Christmas.  I still have about 500 photos to sort through from my vacation but I wanted to give a preview of our 2 weeks.

The trip started off a bit rough.  4 days before we were planned to leave I came down with a bad stomach bug.  I thought Brad had escaped catching it from me; however, about two hours into our 5 hour flight Brad said his stomach was crampy and then 5 minutes later he was in the bathroom with the same bug I had. We had some amazing flight attendants who were willing to help him with whatever he needed. Our first stop in Miami was urgent care where Brad was given 2 shots of anti-nausea meds and an IV to replenish his fluids.  Brad spent the first 3 days sleeping and watching TV in the hotel room.

I bought a couple Groupons to use while in Miami. One was for Erika Chavez Photography to do a photoshoot and get 20 digital photos.  I was looking for some updated pictures of Brad & Me as well as one to use for our Christmas card.  We met at a park Key Biscayne and had a great time with her.  I love how the pictures turned out! If you are in Miami and looking for a photographer I highly recommend her!  I've included a couple of our photos below.

We had a couple of overcast days but for the most part it was super gorgeous and warm.  One of the oddities of Miami Beach is that the city floods every 12 hours. The city sits right at sea level so the ocean comes through the storm drains at high tide and floods the streets.

Other than the photoshoot, a couple of other things we did was a thriller boat ride/tour, a Miami Heat game, the Seaquarium and laying on the beach.  The Seaquarium was a little bitter sweet, it was fun to see all the animals; but my DSLR strap came loose which then dropped and broke my camera.  I had planned on completely avoiding any sort of Black Friday shopping, but I knew that I wanted my camera for the cruise so 8:30 PM Thanksgiving night Brad and I trekked to Target.  We managed to get in line, pick up my camera and check out in less than an hour.  I consider that a success.

I will post details about the cruise later this week.  For now, enjoy the pictures below!

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like a ton of fun! I'm sorry to hear that your husband got sick, though! :(
