Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Collection

I have what most would consider an odd collection.  Whenever Brad & I go on vacation we bring home Shot Glasses.  This may seem odd to the average person but we do have reasoning behind it.  The first reason is that every place carries them (although some are a lot better than others) and second they are small and easy to transport home.  At one point we were going to try and collect ornaments; however, they are harder to find and also are only displayed for around a month a year. 

At this point, I have my collection contained to 2 shelves on our living room bookcase.  I'm going to run out of room though at some point and then need to come up with another way to display them. It is fun to look at them and remember the trip and adventures we had.

About a month ago, Jen from The Adventures Of Our Army Life posted about collecting spoons. I mentioned to her about my Shot Glass collection and she offered to send me a couple!  They are great glasses, the Arizona one is cool and has a map of the major locations of the state.

Do you have a collection?  What sort of items do you bring home with you from vacation?

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  1. I have a pretty sweet collection of shot glasses myself, unfortunately they are all boxed up right now. As is my perfume bottle collection.

  2. My husband collects shot glasses as well. He has many from all over and all kinds.I believe that the count is now at 50. We are alos an Army family so we have several from different countries and states. We keep his on a shelf in his man cave. I have small collections of rubber duckies, Garfield and Peanuts.

  3. This is an excellent idea. We have bought shot glasses but not for every trip. We usually come home with a bunch of things: paintings, posters, statues, rocks (I'm married to a geologist), shells, and sometimes jewelry. I'm gonna add shot glasses as a regular with rocks/shells. Thanks for the idea!

  4. I have a huge collection of shot glasses as well, but they are all packed down! :) I just like the idea that they can me "useful" and small at the same time! :)

  5. I'm a shot glass collector, too! My aunt started my collection when I was far too young to have shot glasses, and its been growing ever since. Unfortunately I have so many now that most of them live in boxes in my attic. I'm still trying to find a classy way to display them all.
