Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review and Thoughts for 2013

2012 was definitely a different year than what I anticipated last January.  The year started with a snow storm and Brad going part time at BCS.  In March we went to weddings in Minneapolis and San Diego plus I attempted to do 40 Bags in 40 Days (which will be tried again in 2013).  I also painted my downstairs bathroom while Brad was in California.  My biggest project was re-doing my Craft Room.  In June, the year flipped a complete 180 when I tore my achilles and had to have surgery.  With the help of friends and family, I kept busy this summer by doing things such as a trip to Long Beach, canning various items and starting my Etsy shop. By mid September I was back at work part time and trying to get life back to normal.  This fall went incredibly fast, especially the Christmas season. As I was putting my decorations away this past weekend; I felt as though they had just been put up!  Sunday I took a trunk full of items to Goodwill and it felt amazing to get rid of all the stuff from my house (I will be going again today since I realized that I forgot to put a giant box of stuff in the car before I left).

I generally do not create New Years Resolutions; but I do have a few goals for the year. I need to start working through my 30 by 30 list since I will be turning 27 in January. To start, I'm going to focus on keeping my kitchen counters clear and using my meal menu board. I'm also going to work on posting more consistently on this blog and adding some new items to my Etsy store. 

Brad & I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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