Friday, December 21, 2012

12 Dates of Christmas

I'm starting to think that I really should have started this earlier in the Christmas Season.With only a week til Christmas we still have 5 and a half things left to do.  Tonight we are hosting a Christmas party so that one will get crossed off but I'm not sure when we will do the others. 
  1. Pick out and decorate our Christmas tree
  2. Watch Snowflake Lane
  3. Get Santa Pictures taken 
  4. Attend or Host a Christmas party
  5. Drive around to look at Christmas lights
  6. Have a Breakfast themed dinner and watch Elf (We did the first half but didn't watch the movie)
  7. Classic Christmas movie marathon
  8. Go to Garden De Lights
  9. Pick out Christmas Themed Pajamas
  10. Bake & Decorate Christmas Cookies
  11. Build a snowman (might have to use fake snow)
  12. Make a Gingerbread house
Last Friday we headed up to Bellevue with some friends to watch Snowflake Lane.  It is fun to watch the fake snow fall in a busy downtown intersection. There were a TON of people out on the sidewalk but we still got a good view of the show.  For those of you in the Seattle area who want to learn more about Snowflake Lane, check out their website here.

Saturday for dinner we had pancakes with scrambled eggs; however, the evening got busy and we never got around to watching Elf so I'm considering that one halfway completed.  We also ventured to Target this past weekend to pick out some lovely Christmas themed pajamas.  I'm still trying to convince Brad to take a picture with me so we can show them off.

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1 comment:

  1. How fun! I love that you are doing this. :) Have a great weekend!
