Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12 Dates of Christmas

I’m sure most of you by now have noticed that I am slightly addicted to Pinterest.  It has so many wonderful ideas that I want to try; and some that I actually do.  One idea that I saw earlier this year was “The 12 Dates of Christmas”.  I thought that it sounded like a great idea to assure that Brad & I do some “Christmassy” things together.  Here is the list that I came up with for us to do in the next 3 weeks:

  1. Pick out and decorate our Christmas tree – Done December 2
  2. Watch Snowflake Lane
  3. Get Santa Pictures taken
  4. Attend or Host a Christmas party
  5. Drive around to look at Christmas lights
  6. Have a Breakfast themed dinner and watch Elf
  7. Classic Christmas movie marathon
  8. Go to Garden De Lights
  9. Pick out Christmas Themed Pajamas
  10. Bake & Decorate Christmas Cookies
  11. Build a snowman (might have to use fake snow)
  12. Make a Gingerbread house
Hopefully we can make it through this list before Christmas! 

This year’s tree is probably one of the most gorgeous trees we have ever picked out.  It has that perfect cone shape and didn’t have any large gaps in branches.  We got an 8-9 foot Noble Fir from Carpinito Brother’s Sunday morning and then decorated it that afternoon. Back when we first got married, I made Brad go cut down a tree; however, a couple years ago we changed it to buying a pre-cut.  We will switch back to cutting it down once we have kids. We have gotten a Noble fir almost every year, we tried a Grand Fir a couple times; but their branches just aren’t as strong as the Noble’s. I love coming downstairs in the morning and smelling the tree. 

The bottom branches have to be light and ornament free - the cats attack it otherwise

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  1. Such a cute idea! When we get married I just may have to implement something similar :)

  2. I have made an Advent calendar to do things together! I love the idea of doing xmas things together, maybe I shall sneak in and change a few of the things! hahaha

  3. What a beautiful tree!!! Love it!! Happy holidays!
