Friday, December 28, 2012

12 Dates of Christmas - Recap

Brad and I did not successfully finish our 12 Dates of Christmas this year.  I will try again next year; however, I will start it earlier in the Christmas season.
  1. Pick out and decorate our Christmas tree
  2. Watch Snowflake Lane
  3. Get Santa Pictures taken 
  4. Attend or Host a Christmas party
  5. Drive around to look at Christmas lights
  6. Have a Breakfast themed dinner and watch Elf (We did the first half but didn't watch the movie)
  7. Classic Christmas movie marathon
  8. Go to Garden De Lights
  9. Pick out Christmas Themed Pajamas
  10. Bake & Decorate Christmas Cookies
  11. Build a snowman (might have to use fake snow)
  12. Make a Gingerbread house
Michelle and I worked on building a Gingerbread house on Sunday.  The box had a beautiful image of the completed gingerbread house and ours looks nothing like it.  This is the "good side" of our house. Brad, as well as Michelle's husband Charles were at the Seahawks game so we had quite a few hours to fill.  After decorating this house we decided to head out to the mall (only a little crazy on our part). The mall was busy, but since neither of us actually needed to be there it didn't stress us out. 

The crazy part of our evening happened while walking out of the grocery store.  We were walking to our car and heard a loud crash; looking over to find the car accident we discovered that somebody had driven their car into a structural post of the building.  Half of the engine area was wrapped around the pole; all throughout dinner we were discussing what sort of scenario would cause this to happen. 

I look forward to coming up with a new list for next year and hopefully finishing it!

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1 comment:

  1. You made a good dent in them though. :) Love the gingerbread house.
