Sunday, November 4, 2012

PNW Blogger Party

Yesterday, Alicia and I headed down to Portland for the PNW Blogger Holiday Party.  It was held at the West Elm store and had some amazing wine from Whole Foods. We left late morning and got to Portland just in time for lunch.  Since we had a few hours before the party started, Alicia and I headed out to do some shopping. 

I was a bad blogger and barely took any pictures; plus the pictures I did take were slightly blurry.  I had brought my camera, but when I turned it on the battery instantly died. 

My favorite purchase was a bag to take on vacation in a couple weeks.  I was looking for a bag which could double as a purse and camera bag without spending a ton of money.  I ended up finding a Queen Bee Purse which I think will work perfectly once I make a camera insert. I already have one of her smaller purses that I found at Goodwill a couple years ago so I knew that this had amazing quality.

I was slightly disappointed that I didn't find any Scrabble games. I'm getting low on a couple letters so I hoped that I would find a game or two on our trek through thrift stores. Apparently other people are also looking for the games and snatching them up before I get there. :)

Alicia had some amazing purchases as well. I was a bad influence and pointed out every single owl item I saw.  

I had an amazing time meeting different types of bloggers from Seattle and Portland area. I look forward to the next get together!  Next week, Alicia and I are going to be hosting our own little Washington blogger get together.

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  1. How fun!!! :) Sounds like a great time.

  2. Even without pictures it looks and sounds like it was such a fun trip! I need to see if there are any get togethers in my area! I have yet to meet another blogger in person! Ha!

  3. I'm looking forward to this weekend's meetup!
