Monday, November 5, 2012

Oil Cleansing Method

For the past couple weeks I have been attempting washing my face with oil.  It may seem counter-intuitive but there is actual science behind this method. Some oils are cleansing and anti-microbial. This works because oils attract oils so by using the right oil it can essentially pull out the dirty oil from your skin while leaving good oil to keep your skin moisturized.  Some oil-free cleansers strip too much oil which causes oil glands to go into overdrive and then make your face even more oily.

The mixture I use is 50% Castor Oil & 50% Olive Oil.  If your skin needs more moisture, add more olive oil; if it needs more cleansing then up the castor oil percentage. For my next batch I'm going to add a couple drops of either tea-tree or lavender oil in order to add a nice scent.

To apply, place a quarter size amount in the palm of your hand.  Massage into your dry skin for 1-2 minutes.  Soak a washcloth in hot water and place over your face.  Leave the washcloth on your face until it cools.  This steaming allows the pores to open which therefore allows the castor oil to remove the impurities. 

Since starting this I've noticed my skin seems like it needs less lotion. I still get some blemishes on my face, but I'm thinking part of that is because I don't spend enough time steaming my face afterwards and end up scrubbing more than I should. Currently, I'm using this product in the morning but I'm thinking of moving it to a night routine so that I can use it's makeup removal powers as well.

Part of the reason I tried this out is because I saw it on Pinterest (so therefore I had to try it).  Another reason that I wanted to try it is because I've found that face wash is expensive and doesn't have a lot of coupons. These are similar reasons why I started making my own makeup remover earlier this year.  If this method continues to work, I will be sticking with it. 

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  1. Oh wow this is pretty cool! Thanks for posting. :)

  2. Haha! How funny is it that I just did this last night? I used my trusty old cetaphil tonight though. I'm so undecided as to whether I want to take the chance to see if this works. I'm using a higher amount of castor oil because I have so many breakouts.

  3. I did the oil method last year for several months and loved it! It's time consuming which is the only reason I stopped, but I had great results with it!

  4. What a great post! I will have to try it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. I will need to try this
    Thanks for posting!

  6. That is so interesting--I never would have thought of using oil to wash my does seem counterintuitive when you have oily skin! I started using Dove unscented bar soap to wash my face about a month ago--apparently it's recommended by some dermatologists and I haven't had a bad breakout since then. And it's way cheaper than facial washes so that's what works for me for now.

  7. Kendra this sounds interesting. I assume that doing this comes after you remove your make up? I don't have blemishes but my pores are enlarging, esp around my nose and chin - strange. Anyway I'm giving this a try. I love natural remedies! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I was just telling my husband that I'm doing this when my face wash runs out! I am all about homeopathic things so why not add it to my face washing routine. I'm your secret Santa swap buddy btw:)
