Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Featured Sponsor - Life & Everything Else In Between

I'd like to introduce you all to Nathan from Life & Everything Else In Between. Nathan has such an amazing blog and I'm happy to have him on my sidebar this month. Nathan blogs about his life, and has lots of stories about his dog Chloe and daughter Lily.

Here is what Nathan answered when asked what inspired him to start blogging.
"I started blogging as a way to keep a journal of my life's events. My blog is a lifestyle blog mixed in with many things in between. I've enjoyed meeting many new people whom I consider friends through blogging and I hope to meet many more! Blogging is my way of expressing myself and helping the community. I hold a lot of promotional events where I donate to different charities through my sponsor and giveaway programs."
Speaking of donating to charities, coming up on November 23, Nathan is going to be starting a campaign for Toys for Tots! 100% of the sponsor proceeds from November 23 through December 21 will be donated to Toys for Tots.  To make it even better, on December 11th, all of his ad spots are going to be on sale for $3 (make sure to follow him on Twitter to find out the special promocode). PLUS, every spot purchased on the 11th will make you eligible to win an Amazon Gift Card (perfect for Christmas shopping).

Follow Nathan on Twitter & Facebook
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