Thursday, November 29, 2012

Born to Travel

One thing Brad had to learn when we got married is that I expect to travel often and to many different places. Every year growing up I can remember going on some sort of vacation.  When my brother and I were younger it was always a camping trip but as we got older the vacations began to get further away and require air planes.

Some of the places we went as a family included:
  • Driving down to San Francisco
  • 3 Weeks on the East Coast with NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Maratha's Vineyard and a bunch of smaller places in between. I think we went to 9 different states.
  • Alaska - we took the Alaskan State Ferry from Bellingham.  It went up through the inside passage through Juneau, Ketchikan, and ended in Skagway.  Once we got off the boat we drove the state highway to Valdez as well as a few other small cities and ended in Anchorage for our flight home.
  • Florida to visit my cousin and her triplets (they were about 2 years old at that point; and 2 years after that visit they were in my wedding).

Since Brad & I have been together some places we have visited:
  • Sun Valley (Meg and I "kidnapped" him and took him there for his 21st birthday)
  • Caribbean Cruises - Currently on our 3rd one!
  • Florida many times
  • San Diego/LA
  • We were supposed to go to Aruba last summer; however, we learned at the Orlando airport as we were trying to check in that Brad's passport had expired 6 months prior so we couldn't go there and they sent us to Key West instead.

Below I have a few pictures that I've selected of trips from my childhood.  Enjoy the lovely 80s/90s outfits.

Wes in front of Wesley Street somewhere in Alaska

The Devil's Punch Bowl on the Oregon Cost.  I made that shirt.

I remember liking this Totem Pole for some reason on Whidby Island

Camping Trip

It must have been cold on our trip through South Dakota

Yellowstone ~1989 just as it was coming back from the fire. My mom was worried I would try and pet the Buffalo

Driving on a Camping Trip

World's Largest Buffalo - Jamestown, ND

I thought I was pretty cool - Sun River, Oregon
I have a list a mile long of more international places I want to visit. Hopefully in 2013 I can start crossing those off the list.

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  1. Traveling is the best!! :) Hope you are having fun!

  2. Love it! Your photos and adventures are great! We love travelling, too. And we try to do it as much as possible.

  3. I need to travel, I think I live to travel, as other live to eat! hahaha Love the pictures! :D

  4. travelling is my all time favorite thing! I just posted about my trip to amsterdam and paris and belgium!!

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