Monday, October 15, 2012

Me, Myself and I - October

Its time for the October version of Me, Myself and I.  I've enjoyed the past couple months of learning more about my fellow bloggers.

Here are the questions for October:

What is your favorite season? 
Summer.  Seattle pretty much as two seasons - Cold, wet & grey (October - July 4) and Gorgeous Sunshine (July 5 - September).  I'm not kidding about it starting July 5; it pretty much always rains on the 4th.  I need my sunshine and often will schedule a vacation somewhere warm during the January/February timeframe to get away from the constant gray.

Talk about a moment that changed your life? 
When I went on a mission trip to Mendenhall, Mississippi in 2002 it changed the course of my life. This was when Brad and I started hanging out which lead to us starting to date in 2003, me going to UW in Seattle (instead of Calvin in Michigan) in 2004, and eventually getting married in 2006.

If you could be any Crayola crayon color, what would you be & why? 
Fuchsia - because everybody needs a bit of pink in their life.

Describe yourself as a superhero: Superpower? Name? Sidekick?
Miss Peculiar the Female Blonde Engineer - Putting an end to stereotypes everywhere. My sidekick is Princess the non-barking Chihuahua.

If you had all the money in the world and could only shop at 3 stores, where would you shop? 
Target - who doesn't love Target? Amazon - Seriously anything can be bought here. Nordstrom - for the days where you want to try stuff on and feel amazing.

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  1. My roommate from college (who blogs here, by the way: is from Seattle and she says the exact same thing you do about the seasons. It's so funny to hear that from multiple sources :)

  2. Target truly is one of the greatest places on earth! haha!

  3. Yes to Target!!! I could spend everyday in there. :)

  4. You sold me on the fuschia crayon and the "Everyone needs a little pink in their life" comment. Couldn't agree more! : ) And oooooh, Norstrom <3 <3 New follower!

  5. Love the crayon answer! Everyone does need a little pink in their lives!
    Follower #300 from the blog hop!! Can't wait to read more!
    Leslie @ Sincerely, Leslie
