Monday, September 24, 2012

Pen Pal Swap

A few weeks ago, I signed up for a Pen Pal Swap. I was paired with Nicole from Three 31 and had a great time getting to know her. It was fun shopping for her and I was excited to open my package as well when UPS dropped it off.

Nicole lives in Texas and added some Texas flair to her package.  The ornament will definitely make its way to our Christmas tree and I love the turquoise necklace.  The recipe cards and box will be very useful; I'm constantly finding new recipes on Pinterest that I want to keep and this will be a way to do it offline. The magnets and bookplates are also adorable and will be fun to use.

If you want to see what other people swapped, check out the link up!


  1. Ok - this is the 2nd swap that I've seen you do that I'm totally jealous of!! Love it! :)

  2. Yay!!! Oh your photo is too-cool-for-school. You're so talented!!!!! I'm so glad you got your gift set and I hope you enjoy it all. I hope more people post, right now it's just us and Miss Hootin' Holli (she's a blogger friend of mine, also from Texas) who've linked up so far. My Internet is also down at the house (AT&T and I are *not* the best of friends) so I had to post when I got to school this morning ... tee hee hee. Big hugs to you, Swap Friend!!!

    Nicole @ Three 31

  3. What an awesome little package! I love the coffee sleeve you made for Nicole; I make my own too =D
    Thank you for participating and making this swap so wonderful. You two did a really great job!!
    Kristin :)

  4. oh my -- you got major loot -- how rad is that??!! i LOVE that you shared it all with us!!!

  5. Visiting from the Pen Pal Exchange Link up! Such a great swap you got, love it! :)
