Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kitchen Update

We have an extra fridge in our garage that we use for storing drinks and thawing meat from the freezer.  This fridge was given to us when we moved into our house and has been wonderful to have.  About a month ago, the fridge started misbehaving and not staying cold.  I searched Craigslist for a few days looking for a replacement fridge; however, I never found a cheap, working fridge.  For quite a while, I've wanted a specific style of fridge: Freezer on the bottom, french door on top with a pantry drawer and ice/water in the door. When I gave up on Craigslist, I decided to start looking for a new fridge for the kitchen and then move the kitchen fridge to the garage.

I found the perfect fridge and it was even on sale!  Technically, it was a floor model, but for $1000 off I didn't care (plus there were no cosmetic damages).  The fridge came a couple weeks ago and I LOVE IT!  Originally, I was going to do a major "here's how I organized my new fridge" post, but I don't consider it very organized other than a couple fridge binz to hold condiments.

We also purchased a new microwave which will replace the vent hood above the stove.  I'm excited to gain some counter space.  Brad and I installed it Monday evening (he did most of it, I just held stuff every once in a while).  It creates a different look to the kitchen and I think I'm especially going to enjoy its location closer to all the other appliances.

Eventually, I want a new stove (the lighter on ours can be a little iffy plus I'm transitioning to stainless).  One thing that held me back from buying a new stove is that I really like my dishwasher.  The one we have is actually two drawers which can be washed individually.  This is great for just the two of us since it doesn't take as long to fill a load.  I looked into a magnetic cover to make it look stainless but decided against it and just be patient for swapping out the oven and eventually maybe buy the stainless drawers.

Here is the Before and After with the new microwave.  

Next step in the kitchen is to re-do the backsplash and kitchen windowsill.  Currently they are just wood and need to be re-finished (they've really needed to be done since we moved in).  I think we're just going to replace the wood with new wood but I would LOVE to use this tile in addition to the wood.

The backsplash is just a small project in the major scheme of all the home projects we have going on.  I will post more as we complete them!

What sort of home projects do you have going on?

1 comment:

  1. love what you did with the microwave...and very nice fridge! our house is being built and will be done in comes with all appliances except a fridge....and we want the fridge to match the other appliances and they're all stainless steele...I'm not looking forward to the price of a fridge - BUT I really really like yours!!
