Tuesday, September 11, 2012

DIY Welcome Mat

I've been in search of a new welcome mat for our front door.  I haven't found exactly what I wanted, so I made my own!  This turned out to be a simple project and just took a few minutes to complete. Below is the tutorial of how to make your own welcome mat.  I made that sign to the left of my door back in February and posted about it here.

First, start with a blank mat.  I purchased mine from Home Depot for around $7

Cut out the words you want on the mat into adhesive backed vinyl or contact paper.  I used contact paper since I just needed it to stay for a short bit of time and it is a lot cheaper. Press the edges down so that the spray doesn't overshoot under the template.

Apply a heavy coat of spray paint to the mat.  Be careful not to paint past the template.

Remove the template and say hi to your new welcome mat!

I imagine I will have to re-paint this at some time in the future, but I can simply put a new template over the current words and paint over it again. The project took me roughly 20 minutes to complete, the longest part was creating the template on the computer and cutting it out. Let me know if you try out this tutorial yourself and what sort of sayings you put on it.


  1. ha. that is soooo cute! can't wait to do this!

  2. brilliant and easy! i love it!!

  3. I am in love with this! I need a new door mat, very clever! Just found your blog through the blog hop, I am excited to read! come follow along http://sjdmiller.blogspot.com

  4. What a great idea! What kind of spray paint did you use?

    Following from the Blogworking link up. :)
