Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Link & Mingle Week 2

Welcome to week 2 of Link & Mingle.  Hope you all made some wonderful friends at the last party!

The long of it is, the "Link and Mingle: Sisters in Blogging Social Media Linkup". The short is, the "Link & Mingle". Call it what you wish. :)

Meet our weekly hosts!

and for this week's co-hosts, we have
Sarah | Life in a Break Down

Thank you, ladies!

Last week there seemed to be a few mix-ups, so in this week's link party, I'm including links connected to each header, to show you just what you should link up. :)

The "rules" are thus:
visit/follow/like as many links as you can,
link up to as many social media sites that apply to you (please link up only links that apply - blog posts and other links that do not apply will be removed),
share, tweet, and blog about this link party if you so wish,
grab the button {below},
and have fun meeting new people!

We would love it if you followed all of your hosts and co-hosts, but that's not mandatory. Just have fun! :)

If you would be interested in hosting this party permanently, or co-hosting it periodically, send an email to {}.

Alright, ladies! Button-up, link-up, and meet-up! :)

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Link & Mingle

Thank you for linking up!

Come back next Thursday for another round of the Link & Mingle!

1 comment:

  1. Your newest follower from the blog hop! Feel free to follow back! =)

