Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blog Angel

For the past 2 weeks I have been participating in the Blog Angel program hosted by Rosie and Katlyn. The idea of the program is to help a fellow blogger anonymously for a month.  Today marks the half way point so I'm joining up to the link party to share my experience so far. 

So far, I am finding it hard to help without being "too helpful" and revealing who I am.   The blogger didn't request anything special for the month so I'm trying to do whatever I can to help promote and encourage without being obvious. I had been to her blog once or twice before through link parties but had never stuck around much.  After being with her this month I can say that I will continue to be a follower.

I think that the blog angel program is great for discovering new blogs, especially those that you wouldn't normally check out.  You dive deeper into knowing the author and what makes them who they are.

The next time that this is going to be offered is in October so make sure and sign up to help out your fellow blogging community and make some new friends!



  1. I'm a fellow blog angel. It has been a great opportunity to make a new blog friend that I probably wouldn't have discovered on my own. The secret part is difficult.

  2. Go blog angel! Very cool.

