Thursday, May 10, 2012

National Mom's Night Out

Tacoma Mall hosted National Mom's Night Out this evening. I declared that fur-kids counted and stopped by on my way home. I wasn't sure what to expect and it would have been nice if there was somebody at the entrance explaining what the different lines were for and also what the schedule was for the different speakers. There were booths for all sorts of things such as a couple of my favorite coupon blogs (Queen Bee Coupons and The Coupon Project). There were also free chair massages, Jamba Juice Smoothies, and booths from various stores throughout the mall offering freebies and coupons. I'm definitely glad that I waited around for the second "session" because that is where the REAL goodie bag was. The event was hosted by 24/7 Moms, which is a local blogging site which apparently has a bunch of giveaways; they are having a 3 hour video chat on their Facebook page on Monday and the entire thing is giveaways! I took a picture of my goodie bag when I got home.

Most of the items aren't necessarily useful to me right now, but I know other people who can use the items.

I definitely will return next year, especially now that I know what to expect and which lines are worth waiting through.

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